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UK regtech Encompass Corporation appoints Neil Acworth as new CISO

Thursday, 4th April 2024 | RegTech

Encompass Corporation has named industry veteran Neil Acworth as its new chief information security officer (CISO).

Neil Acworth named new CISO at Encompass

The appointment, which follows Encompass’ recent acquisitions of CoorpID and Blacksmith KYC, is intended to improve the UK-based regtech’s ability to provide data-centric processes that contribute to “safety, compliance and operational efficiency”, according to its latest statement.

Encompass says it has tasked Acworth with spearheading the development of its strategy to combat financial crime, while also supervising its information security team.

The new CISO says he will leverage his “leadership skills, perspective and technical expertise” to enhance the regtech’s “reputation and success.”

Acworth has previously held C-suite positions at several regtech companies, including IT Governance and GRC International Group, and Featurespace, where he served as CIO and CTO respectively.

Most recently, he served as head of security engineering at London-headquartered anti-money laundering (AML) risk detection firm ComplyAdvantage.

Acworth joins a spate of recent CISO appointments, including Daniel Zayfman at VersiFi and Beth-Anne Bygum at Q2 Holdings. Additionally, US banking giant BNY Mellon appointed Gary Delaney as its new international CISO in February.